Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Losing Weight the Healthy Way!!

For those who are already in the fitness world, and for those of you who are joining here are some great and healthy ways to lose weight. A huge and most of the time unanswered question when it comes to exercising is, How can I lose weight and how can I lose it fast? This article that I stumbled across shows you quick and easy ways to drop the pounds but at the same time doing so in a healthy manner. It is stated that the body may like crash dieting and huge burst of exercise right away but will then reject them in the long run. The body likes slow changes and likes when you ease into things in terms of exercise, running and things of that nature. Rushing into exercises  and weight routines is a great way to hurt yourself and also as the article mentions, you expect so much of yourself to early and you feel beaten, demotivated and defeated when you rush into something and can't finish it or complete the workout. I for one experience this every off season at the beginning of the summer. I play baseball and when my season ends I get to take at least a month of at the beginning of the summer. When middle summer roles around your so amped up to lift and train you start off with to much weight, or the distance of your running is to far and you can't complete them and you lose confidence in yourself. So now the big question: If you need to lose weight, What do you do?
Everyone knows from science class that body stores food as energy, and if the body consumes more food then it needs the energy stores its-self as fat. So you need to get the body to use up those storage's of excess energy and maintain a balanced level. A couple steps toward losing this weight, reduce calories, be more physically active (but switch your activity up, cardio, swimming, biking it shouldn't be the same day in and day out that gets boring), cut out things like candy, soda, and fatty foods. Perfect example of this would be my uncle. My family is a big family literally about 60 people and my smallest uncle on my mothers side is 6'4 240 or I should say was. My uncle Frank had been having Cholesterol problems,w eight problems, blood pressure and everything you could imagine. The biggest change in his daily routine was cutting out soda, and he loved soda. He drank water with everything and he began to walk daily and turned it into a run when he felt comfortable. My uncle in 2months time dropped down from 240lbs to 205lbs, he says its the best he has felt in a long time. So when you want to lose weight, remember change your exercise routines, eat healthier and make a change but make it slow and gradual. Start slow and finish strong.


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