Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Losing Belly Fat, Is Possible?

One of the biggest questions in fitness is "HOW CAN I LOSE MY BELLY FAT?". Well here are a few answers that you might not have thought of before. One of the most common misconceptions is the more sit-ups and crunches you do the quicker your belly fat will go away. FALSE, sit-ups and crunchs are a great way to strengthen your stomach muscles and tighten them up but it is not the best and most efficent way to lose your belly fat. Performing crunches like half the population does can actually cause negative things to happen to the body such as, bad posture, lower back and shoulder pain along with sloutching shoulders. Burning belling fat is as simple as GET STRONGER, strength train. Strength trainining builds muscles mass and helps the fat loss process. Most people don't understand that during most workouts such as squats, dead lifts, and benching exercises you are constantly squeezing your abbs together and working them out when you don't even no your doing it. Obviously all the general things come along with losing fat in the stomach area, calorie intake, get strong servings of protein, carbs, vegatibles and healthy foods. When eating you should pay most attention to carbs and fats, try to reduce alcohol intake and soda intake. Plain and simple, good diet and smart eating will help you lose weight. Another easy way to lose fat in the belly and waist area is simply running, most people hate to do it, but once you start you won't want to stop once you see the results you'll be getting.


1 comment:

  1. This is very useful information because I know many of my peers are endlessly doing sit-ups and crunches rather than incorporating other methods to lose belly fat. Cardio, strength training, increasing servings of protein, and limiting alcoholic beverages and sugars are all essential tips in reaching this fitness goal as well as maintaining a healthier lifestyle..
