Monday, October 25, 2010

Bruschi in Office?

I was just catching up on the news in sports the other day and I came across an interesting article dealing with Patriots x-linebacker Tedi Bruschi and the President. Back in the summer, Bruschi was sworn into office. He was sworn onto the president's council that deals with, fitness, sports and nutrition. The council put together an event for all high schools in the area to guide and educate them on different/proper health issues. Bruschi gracefully took a volunteer position, in helping the first lady fight childhood obesity. Bruschi and his wife rallied around the first lady and some other former and present day professional athletes to make this event possible. Childhood obesity has taken over young Americans, so who better to teach them about health the great role models and professional athletes. Not only was this event just for the kids and promoting good overall health, they wanted to reach out and educate all the parents on how to help the kids help themselves.  Most of the athletes and people helping out with the event have kids of their own so that adds greater meaning to the event. As the first era of children who have the great possibility of not out living their parents, these children need all the help they can get. I've done some work/observation hrs in elementary and high schools around this area and have noticed that the president's fitness test are being promoted and taught at a lot of schools especially grades k - 6.  This is a great way to get young Americans back on track and on a road to better health. It is very comforting to know that the president is reaching out to professional athletes to ask for help when it comes to the obesity problem. I think that if more elementary schools add these fitness test and programs to their units and curriculum that they US will slowly but surely get back on track and come closer to getting a higher percentage of Americans children/adult back into the healthy fitness zone.


  1. Wow this is great. I did not know that Bruschi was doing this. He was my favorite player for the Patriots, and knowing that he is volunteering his time to help the obesity epidemic is great news. It is such a huge problem in the United States, and if children's idols are helping with reducing it, I think that people will turn to a healthier lifestyle as well. Hopyfully more professional athletes will step up and volunteer their time like him to promote health and overall well-being in communities.

  2. I think this is great. Children need good role models that also 'practice what they preach'. Children so often mimic what they see these athletes, musicians or actors do. The styles, the attitudes, and habits are reflected in our children today. With so many parents working so many hours and children watching television without being monitored, it would be nice to know there are more pro-active healthy role models. Good News.

  3. This is awesome. I did not know that he was apart of the first lady's campaign to combat child obesity. That is fantastic that he chose to help out with this. I think that if more professional athletes became a part of events groups that were out to help solve the obesity epidemic than it would make a much greater impact on kids. The youth looks up to athletes like him and envy the talent professional athletes possess in their events. If more athletes promoted fitness by speaking at schools, or being a part of fitness campaigns than I think more kids would think that it was important. It would help to spark their attention when they see that some of their favorite athletes are trying to get the kids to be a part of something.

  4. Wow this is awesome, I knew that the Michelle Obama was involved in children obesity but didnt realize that professional players are now getting involved. I think that its a great idea and will inspire more kids by getting their idols involved. Hopefully this will start helping the childrens obestity rates in the US.

  5. I had no idea that Bruschi was doing this and I think this is a great blog because it gives a ton of information that people don't know about. I think that is it great that Michelle Obama is involved because that makes her look good that she is dealing with this problem because many people just think that her husband is doing everything but she is speaking out and trying to help these children with obesity. I hope this helps child obesity because it is a huge problem in the US and I just hope it doesnt get bigger.

  6. This is so interesting! I think its great that the President is working with professional athletes to work on childhood obesity. After watching the commercials on childhood obesity that other classmates created in class, it is alarming how high the percentage rate is of children who are over weight. Working with athletes, that children look up to and want to be like, can be more of a reason for children to want to listen to what they say and get up and get active. I was not aware that the President had set up fitness tests for schools but I think it's a great idea!

  7. I think it is great that someone like Tedi Bruschi is participating in such an important message and campaign. He is such an idol which would probably help the campaign even more because if kids see someone like him talking about fitness and health than they might want to try to become just like him. By getting professional atheltes to send out these messages I think that it will make it that much more effective!

  8. This is so cool! I have never heard about this but I think it is a great idea. I think Tedi Brushci is a great person so help promote that cause. Maybe I have alittle bias because I am a Patriots fan but I still think Pro Athletes can be great role models for kids. I think that he will be able to help infrom kids about the importance of exercising. Really interesting topic!

  9. Great article! I can't believe i never saw this in this news or on ESPN. He was such a great player, and now seeing him give back is awsome. We could definately use some help in promoting a healthier nation.
