Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Top 3

One of the other categories talking about when weight lifting is brought up is supplements. If you are just getting started or one of those serious lifters who is in the gym 24/7 then you will probably be interested in some of the new supplements that have come out to stores like Vitamen World and GNC. For most people when buying a supplement, not very many do research, most just go to the store listen to what the person behind the counter has to say and end up buying the most expensive thing they can offer. On top of that realizing that a month has passed bye and there have been no improvments or results. I for one take the time to do some research before shopping for a product that is going into my body. You should treat supplement shopping like food shopping, read lables, ask questions and look up answers before you buy anything. The new protien products that have come onto the market in last couple of years are True Mass, Muscle Fuel and Whey Protein 6lbs. There are a few things that these products have in common. First and formost all of these products are protiens dealing with weight gain and keeping your muscles lean. All three products are  macronutrient-heavy lean mass gainers tailored specifically towards people looking for the additional caloric support necessary to maximize lean muscle mass gains, and for individuals that require a heightened level of nutrients owing to a higher metabolic rate. The good thing about these products is no matter what magazine or website you look at the positives foe these three supplements out weigh the negatives. A couple things to look at when going to buy supplements. The most important thing is knowing what you want to accomplish when taking any kind of supplement, to make sure your buying the right product. The second thing would be a background check on the product itself, where its made, who makes it, whats in it and things of that nature. Third thing would be to find out if you need any kind of supplements at all. Supplememts are a great way to get started when working out and a great way to maintain your body, but they can also work in the opposite direction if you don't do your homework. One of the biggest misconceptions about protein would be, that  no matter who you are protein will help your muscles get bigger, plain and simple. This couldn't be anymore false. Supplements are based on workout programs and routiens and based on caloric intake like any other supplement or food product. Example a friend of mine just started working out about two years ago. He was really getting after it had protien shake before and after his workout like recomended. Month passed by and he still looked the same, but he weighed more then when he started. Turns out that he didn't need a protein supplement because his daily diet provided him with enough protein and his body was turing the supllement powder into body fat. This is why it is very important to know what you are putting into your body and how it will intern effect you when you take it.


  1. Good information. If you choose to take supplements, like anything you consume, it is important to know what it is made of and where it comes from. My personal opinion is that people should stay away from 99% of supplements. The only supplements I would reccomend are vitamin supplements if it has been determined that you have a deficiency. Also I think a good whey protien powder can go a long way for those engaged in a strength training routine.

  2. I enjoyed reading this blog. It is important for people to know what supplements to take or not to take. Some people keep too caught up in supplements and actually acts counter-productive. Vitamins and proteins are the supplements that any individual should take on a day to day basis. I liked how you mentioned that different supplements are for different goals. I person can't just hop on any supplement but has to know what their goal is.
